Author: Glorious Amalu-Jack

Campus Story Misunderstood Love

  • Book Category: Literature
  • ISBN: ISBN 978-978-969-451-8
  • No. of Pages: 319

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In this story, Sophia Gabriel, a beautiful nineteen-year-old first-year student is suspicious of every male on the campus based on her father's valedictory advice. She was out to protect herself from sexual harassment in the university and misunderstood the twenty-seven-year Mr. Kevin Brandon, a handsome young lecturer’s genuine love advances for sexual harassment. Nevertheless, her father and friend, Freya Johnson ensured that he was dismissed from the University. On the other hand, Amanda Thompson, an eighteen-year-old first-year student was faced with a notorious lecturer Mr. David Thomas but she was determined to prove him wrong by studying hard. Meanwhile, Lucy and Julie initiated a relationship with the lecturer and he got them pregnant at once. Subsequently, on graduation, Freya got a job as a lecturer at another university and got a taste of her medicine. At forty-six years old, Sophia was yet to find love despite being a successful pharmacist and resorted to molesting her boss, Dr. Fidel Boswell to make her a single mother. Will he be the father of the child? What becomes of Mr. Kevin Brandon's career? He showed up after several years and Sophia was shocked.

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