Articles published under Nigerian Libraries


It is indeed pleasing to note the timely publication of this volume and which also coincides with the 59th National Conference and Annual General Meeting of our Association, holding in Kano from 24

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Access To and Use of Information by Human Trafficking Victims for Empowerment in Kubwa Metropolis, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria

This paper investigated how human trafficking  victims have access to and use of information for empowerment in Kubwa Metropolis. The main purpose of the study was to identify the informati

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An Analysis of Library and Faculty Collaborations in South-West Universities in Nigeria

The study investigated an analysis of library–faculty collaborations in Southwest Universities in Nigeria. Descriptive survey design and multi-stage sampling techniques was adopted and questionn

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Awareness and Perception of Undergraduate Students on Plagiarism in Selected Higher Institutions in Rivers State, Nigeria

This study investigated the level of awareness and perception of undergraduate student on plagiarism in higher institutions in Rivers State. The targeted population are the final year students o

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Compliance with Covid-19 Guidelines and Protocols by Academic Libraries for Safety Operations in Niger State

This study was carried out to determine the compliance with covid-19 guidelines and protocols by academic libraries for safety operations in Niger State. The study s

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Computer Literacy Skill as Predictor of Use of Digitized Databases in Federal Polytechnics in South-Western Nigeria

The study sought to find out whether computer literacy skill predicts the use of digitised databases among engineering technology students in Southwest Nigeria. A descriptive research of co

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Dog-Earing and its Effects on Library Resources in Ade Bimfe Ike Library of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi

Dog-ear is an act of folding down corner, bookmark and keeping sheets of paper together in a book and other fragile information resources, in the absence of a stapler or pa

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Exploring the Conservation Strategies of Electronic Information Resources (EIRs) in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) Library, Bauchi

The study examined the conservation strategies of electronic information resources (EIRs) in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) Library, Bauchi. In carrying out this study, three rese

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Health Information Literacy as a Panacea for Mitigating the Spread of Coronavirus Pandemic in Nigeria

The most recently discovered Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought untold hardships to people of all nations and no one can predict when it will end. The virus which started in China in D

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Information Synthesis: An Index of Graduate Students' Research Practices in the University Libraries of South East Nigeria

Information synthesis is an integral part of information literacy. It is a key attribute of a good research practice and research work. Thus, this study aimed at ascertaining the level at which

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Performance Appraisal of Library Staff in Nigerian University Libraries

The study investigated the purposes for staff performance appraisal in Nigerian university libraries. The study adopted a survey method.  The population of the study consisted of forty

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Provision and Accessibility to Electronic Information Resources by Academic Librarians in Delta State University Library, Abraka

The study investigated the provision and accessibility of electronic information resources, and its utilization by librarians in Delta State University Library, Abraka. The survey design was ado

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State and Challenges of Serials Management for Postgraduate Research in University Libraries in North Central Nigeria

This study investigates the state and challenges of serials management for postgraduate research in university libraries in North Central Nigeria with the objective of finding out the state of s

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Understanding the Health Information Sources During Covid-19 Pandemic in Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria

The paper investigated the understanding of health information sources among people in Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria during the COVID-19. The Source of health information is critical during a pan

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