Access To and Use of Information by Human Trafficking Victims for Empowerment in Kubwa Metropolis, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria

This paper investigated how human trafficking  victims have access to and use of information for empowerment in Kubwa Metropolis. The main purpose of the study was to identify the information needs of human trafficking victims in Kubwa metropolis, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The odjectives of the study are: To identify the information needs of human trafficking victims in Kubwa metropolis, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. To identify how information is accessed by victims of human trafficking for empowerment in Kubwa metropolis, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. To identify the purpose of using information for empowerment of human trafficking victims in Kubwa metropolis, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Quantitative research method and descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 40 human trafficking victims in Kubwa. Census sampling technique was used to sample all the 40 victims. The research instrument used for data collection is questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using frequency and percentage with benchmark of 50%. The study found that: human trafficking victims need information on agriculture, academic, health, political, market and government. The main sources of information used to access information included radio, television, government officials, face-to-face encounters, internet and telephone. Victims use information for educational, agricultural, political and health purposes. Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that victims of human trafficking do not have sufficient information to help them against the abuse and trauma they go through. The study recommends that: Public libraries and information center in the Area Council should design information session through which awareness will be created among victims of human trafficking on the dangers associated to it. Governments at all level should provide free education, health service, agricultural training for victims in order to reduce human trafficking in Kubwa.

Journal Title: Nigerian Libraries

Category: Crimnology and Security Studies

ISSN: 0029-0122

Year of Establishment: 1963

Section: Library and Information Sciences

Volume: 55

Issue: 1

Total Download: 0

Yusuf Ahmed, Yusuf Shuga, Jimoh Amina Oiza, & Sakinat Ja’afar. 2024 Access To and Use of Information by Human Trafficking Victims for Empowerment in Kubwa Metropolis, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Nigerian Libraries. 55 (1). 100-107.

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