Author: A. E. Igwedibia, J. A. Ogbodo, A. V. Mbanuzuru, C. C. Ajator

Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Rural Development

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The wide scope and nature of sustainable rural development makes it a matter which is very interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. As such, there is a perceived need to foster integrative approaches, whereby the combination of inputs from various fields may contribute to a better understanding of what sustainable rural development really is and means to people. Accordingly, this third edition of the Nnamdi Azikiwe Series on Sustainable Development – a publication of the Centre for Sustainable Development in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria; draws knowledge and intellectual inputs from the creative Arts, environmental sciences, social and management sciences to health and physical sciences and the natural renewable sciences such as forestry and agricultural fields. Despite the need for and the relevance of integrative approaches towards sustainable rural development, there is a paucity of literature which address matters related to African rural sustainability in an integrated way. Overall, this Third Edition focuses on rural development, but has an international relevance and application. The Nnamdi Azikiwe Series on Sustainable Development will be an essential literature resource for students, policy makers, private sector practitioners and non-governmental organizations.

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