Academic Social-Networking Sites (ASNS) such as and ResearchGate are becoming very popular among academics. These platforms allow lecturers to upload their academic articles, abstra
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Academic Social-Networking Sites (ASNS) such as and ResearchGate are becoming very popular among academics. These platforms allow lecturers to upload their academic articles, abstra
The importance of the adoption of technological tools such as smartphones and computers in academic libraries cannot be over-emphasized in the era of covid-19 pandemic. This study which is focus
Research funding agencies and national governments increasingly require grant recipients to preserve and make their research data publicly accessible for reuse and further study. This study exam
This paper explores the potential of transforming traditional Nigerian academic libraries into "Learning Commons" collaborative, technology-integrated, and resource-rich environments to advance
Building an inclusive society that enables people with disabilities to fully participate in social, economic, and educational activities requires making information accessible. The
The research examined availability and utilization of AI-powered chatbots for enhanced user services in academic libraries in Anambra state. This study adopts the survey research design. The pop
Libraries are not just evolving; they are going through a fundamental change that will make them engines for free access and educational innovation. As education becomes more digital and global,