The articlesin this secondissue of the International Journalof Legislative Drafting and Law Reform is based around the national and international perspective
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Brazil has a civil law system, which was inheritedfrom the Portuguese. It is a federative republic and its legislation is enact
The drafting of implementing legislation is a specialized branch of legislative drafting. It is an area in which States, Inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) and Internationa
Legislative draftinghas been definedas “the art of converting legislative proposals into legally sound and effective law”. This is a universally applica
Statistics show that shipping accounts for about 90% of international trade in goods. In view of the major role which maritime commerce and activities play in the global&nb
Words are the tools with which language operates. Montesqieu said, that, “it is essential that only such words should be used by the law giver as are bound to produce the same notion i
While declaring its commitment to women rights, for example by its Basic Law and presidential decrees; Palestine has still long way to 
This paper seeks to demonstrate that laws developed through consultative, participative, transparent and accountable process by an independent, impartial and competent drafting entity are a