Words are the tools with which language operates. Montesqieu said, that, “it is essential that only such words should be used by the law giver as are bound to produce the same notion in the minds of all men”. But this would be a task of a superman. Nether the legislatures nor the legislative draftsmen are superman. Hence, we are to depend on judicial interpretation to clear the doubts, ambiguity, inconsistency or absurdity in implementation or enforcement of law and in doing so the courts interpret law and we get judicial legislations and judge made law. This paper is an attempt to assess how the judiciary in India playing its role in developing principles of legislative drafting and contributing towardslaw reforms. To assess this role of the judiciary we maycritically discuss few cases havinggreat impact in legislative draftingas well as law reform with special reference to defective legislative drafting, validating Acts, and Constitutional Amendment Acts.
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