Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport

Established in 2018, the "Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport," Is dedicated to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation in logistics, transportation, and related fields. We publish research papers and articles covering a wide range of topics, that address critical issues in logistics, Supply Chain Management, transport systems, infrastructure, Technology, and sustainable transport solutions. We aim to serve the global academic and professional community, facilitating impactful discussions and advancements in the Logistics and Transport sector.

Chairman Editorial Board:                                       

Dr. Bayero S. Farah 


Dr. Joshua A. Odeleye 

Board Members:                                                        

Dr. F.O Nwanosike 

Dr. B.I Mundi 

Dr. S.U Gidado 

Mr. M.O Adeyi 

Mrs. S.I Zego 

Editorial Advisors:                                                      

Prof. Hashim A. Alhassan – BUK, Kano 

Prof. S.I. Oni

Prof. S.G Odewumi – LASUSOT, Lagos 

Prof. E. Okoko – FUT, Akure 

International Editorial Advisors:                             

Ass. Prof. Ir. Dr. Sitti Asmah Hassan – 

University of Technology, Malaysia

Dr. Babatunde Anifowose

Asst. Professor Academics, Coventry University, United Kingdom

Peer Review Editorial Committee:           

Prof. A.E. Ubogu -Federal University Dutsinma-Katsina State

Prof. C. Ibe -Federal University of Technology Owerri – Imo State

Prof. T. Arosanyin -University of Ilorin-Kwara State

Prof. Munkaila Aminu -Usman Dan-fodio University Sokoto– Sokoto State

Prof. B.A. Badejo -Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago- Iwoye, Ogun State

Prof S.I Oni -University of Lagos-Lagos State

Prof. I.M Jaro -Ahmadu Bello University Zaria – Kaduna State

Prof. J. A. Ojekunle -Federal University of Technology Minna – Niger State

Prof. S. Abdullahi -Ahmadu Bello University Zaria – Kaduna State

Prof. Hashim AlHassan -Bayero University Kano – Kano State

Dr. M. Olawole -Obafemi Awolowo University – Ile-Ife – Osun State

Dr. K. Bakare -Nigerian Collage of Aviation Technology – Zaria – Kaduna State

Dr. N. Yakubu -Nigerian Collage of Aviation Technology – Zaria – Kaduna State 

Dr. Kole Uhuegho -Nigerian Collage of Aviation Technology – Zaria – Kaduna State

Dr.E.G. Okafor -Nigerian Collage of Aviation Technology – Zaria – Kaduna State

Dr. O.M. Olapoju - Obafemi Awolowo University – Ile-Ife – Osun State

Dr. Bayero S. Farah -NITT – Zaria

Dr. Joshua A. Odeleye -NITT – Zaria

Dr. D.A. Ismaila -NITT – Zaria

Dr. (Mrs) F.O Nwanosike -NITT – Zaria

Dr. B.I Mundi -NITT – Zaria

Dr. S.U Jatau -NITT – Zaria

Dr. S.U Gidado -NITT – Zaria

Dr. P. Obi -NITT – Zaria

Dr. F. D. Bobai -NITT – Zaria                        

Mr. M. Adeyi -NITT – Zaria

Digital Advisors:                            

Ayodele Salami 

Isah Eromi Ibrahim

Ibrahim Dahiru Madibbo

Kambai H. Bobai

Aisha Bashir Bala

Abbas Umar Gaddafi 


Mr. Stanley Obiorah 

Mr. Yusuf Gafai 

Mr. Luka Shagbo

Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport (NJLT) is published by Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Zaria – Nigeria.

NJLT is a peer-reviewed bi-annual international publication, committed to the advancement of knowledge and professionalism in Logistics and Transport.

All submissions are subject to strict peer-review. They are thoroughly researched, scientifically rigorous, and at the same time, of direct applicability and usefulness to practitioners and policy makers alike.

NJLT would include a special section under the heading `Policy issues.’ Papers here, often solicited ones, emphasize strategic policy implementations rather than scientific rigour in a strict sense. Papers in Policy issues are not subject to peer review: this result in speedier publication. Papers submitted to NJLT are submitted for both sections at the discretion of the Editors. Authors not wishing to have their papers considered for Policy issues should state this in the Cover Letter.

All journal subscriptions are dispatched by surface mail. Airmail dispatch is available at a supplementary charge – please contact our subscriptions department at the address below:

Instructions to Authors

Authors are advised that adherence to these instructions will help speed up the refereeing and production stages for all papers.


Electronic submission is strongly recommended and leads to speedier publication. If necessary, however, typescripts could still be sent in triplicate to the Editor-in-Chief at the following address:

Editorial: Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to:

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. J. A. Odeleye, NITT, PMB 1148, Zaria-Nigeria.

E-mail: [email protected]


Anene, N.H (Mrs)


Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport (NJLT)

Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology


[email protected]


The corresponding author’s name, affiliation, full address (including telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address) and any other contact particulars of co-authors should only appear in the cover letter.


Submission of a paper for refereeing means that the author certifies that the manuscripts has not been accepted for publication by another journal, nor is it being refereed elsewhere at the same time.


Electronic Submission

To maintain the integrity of the double-blind refereeing process, two separate files must be submitted:

Cover Letter

The cover letter must contain: (i) the title of the paper as well as a statement indicating the paper is not currently being considered by another journal; (ii) complete information on the corresponding author (address and other contact particulars); (iii) acknowledgements and head notes as well as information on possible co-authors.

The Main Body

The editorial office can receive files only in MS-Word (*.doc) format. An electronic acknowledgement is sent when the paper has been safely retrieved.

Manuscript Style

Submission should be in English, typed in 1.5 line spacing with wide margins (including notes and references) on one side of A4 paper and numbered consecutively. Only the title of the paper should appear on the first page of the manuscript. All authors should obtain assistance, if necessary, in the editing of their papers for correct spelling and use of English grammar.

Articles should normally not exceed 8000 words, be written clearly and concisely, and avoid unnecessary jargon. Articles must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 200 words, and six keywords suitable for indexing and online search purposes. The abstract should set out clearly the issue to be investigated (i.e. why the paper is written), the methodology used, and the main conclusion(s). To the extent possible, the abstract should be written in non-technical language.

It is essential that the article concludes with a section where the author(s) summarize their main conclusions, possible need for further research, as well as the potential impact of the article on business, government or policy-making. To the extent possible, this section should be written in a way that is broadly understandable to the non-specialist.

IMPORTANT: Authors are expected to be aware of, and make reference to quoted works.

Figures and Tables

Figures which contain only textual rather than diagrammatic information should be designated as tables. Figures and tables should be submitted in separate files, preferably prepared by Microsoft office software (where this is not the case, 3 hard copies should be sent by mail, printed on quality paper ready for photographic reproduction). Files should be named accordingly; e.g. Figure2.doc. Very wide margins should be provided. Tables that may break in two pages should be avoided. Coloured graphs are not accepted; please prepare your graphs in black and white, for conversion at a later stage does not always produced the desired results, particularly when graphs have to be reduced for printing purposes. Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively. Their position in the text should be indicated in the typescript. All figures and tables should have a caption (above the table, below the figure). Figures and tables are not edited and it is the author’s responsibility to produce them in publication quality.


APA Reference style is expected to be used.

Additional Requirements

A running head of not more than 30 characters should be supplied for papers with longer titles. 

Sections and sub-sections should be clearly differentiated but should NOT be numbered.

Papers must be written without the use of footnotes. End notes should be limited to the absolute minimum as they can be disruptive to the natural flow of the argument. Endnotes and References should be listed separately at the end of the text.

Mathematical expressions and Greek or other symbols should be written clearly with ample spacing. Any unusual characters should be indicated on a separate sheet.

We accept US or UK English spelling. Please however, be consistent.



The corresponding author will be sent an e-mail containing a link online PDF proof of the article. Please print a copy of the pdf proof, correct within the time period indicated and return as directed. Please make no revisions to the final edited text, except where the copy-editor has requested clarifications. The difficulty and expenses involved in making amendments at the page proof stage make it essential that authors prepare their typescripts carefully and avoid any rewriting at this stage. Should any substantial amendments be made, contributors may be charged the additional typesetting costs. Failure to return proofs will result in the publications of the paper being delayed.



Together with page proofs, authors receive an order form for off-prints and full copies of the issue where their paper appears. Twenty-five off-prints and one copy of the Journal are supplied free of charge to the corresponding author. Orders for additional off-prints must be received before printing to quality for lower pre-publication of the paper being delayed.



Authors must sign a Contributor Agreement before their article can be published. The transfer agreement enables Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology to protect copyrighted materials on behalf of the authors, but it does not relinquish the authors’ proprietary rights. The copyrighted transfer covers the exclusive right to produce and distribute the article in print and electronic format, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproduction of similar nature, including electronic retrieval systems. Permission to reproduce copyrighted material in a submitted article must be obtained by the authors before submission and any acknowledgements should appear in the typescript or captions as appropriate.


Business Correspondence

Business correspondence and enquiries relating to advertising, subscriptions, back numbers or reprints should be addressed to the Publishers at NITT NJLT Journals, Old Kano Road, Bassawa, P.M.B 1148, Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Category: Logistics and Transportation

ISSN: 2714-2248

Year of Establishment: 2018

Section: Transportation Technology

Publication Year: 2024

No. of Volumes: 15

No. of Issues: 2

No. of Articles: 43

Article Downloads: 118

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