Nigerian Libraries

The year 1962 saw the birth of the Nigerian Library Association (NLA) while the Nigerian Libraries came into being in 1963. The Nigerian Libraries is the official professional journal of the Association which provides a forum for quality empirical research and scholarly works in all areas of Library and Information Science to be published by librarians, information scientists, information technologists, archivists, documentalists, educators, and other related professionals. The journal also accepts papers of high-quality dealing with the theoretical aspects of the field.

The journal is peer reviewed by distinguished scholars and professionals in the field concerned. It is published bi-annually in January - June and July - December each year; hence papers are accepted throughout the year. Interested contributors are to submit their papers for consideration for publication using the guidelines outlined under 'Note for Contributors'. Only papers that have been assessed and found qualitative by the Editorial Board are published, and the decision of the Editorial Board on each paper is final but the contributors are notified accordingly. Contributors must ensure that all papers submitted for consideration have not been submitted or previously published elsewhere. The journal is available both in print and online. The online version is accessed via:


Prof. Ahmad A. Balarabe, CLN, FNLA

Department of Library and Information Science

Faculty of Education and Extension Services

Usmanu Danfodiyo University

P.M.B. 2346, Sokoto, Sokoto State, Nigeria


[email protected]



Prof. Augonus Nnamdi Uhegbu

Department of Library and Information Science

Abia State University, Uturu

P.M.B. 2000, Uturu, Abia State



Prof. Felicia Etim

Department of Educational Technology and Library Science

Faculty of Education

University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

Akwa Ibom State



Dr. (Mrs) M.A. Aboyade

Olusegun Oke Library

Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso

Oyo State



Prof. Manir Abdullahi Kamba

Department of Library and Information Science

Bayero University, Kano, Kano State


Prof. Tella Adeyinka

Department of Library and Information Science

University of Ilorin, Kwara State



Dr. Chidi Nwosu

Department of Library and Information Science

Imo State University, Owerri, Imo State



All interested contributors are advised to adhere to the following guidelines:

Contributions to the Nigerian Libraries for publication should not be more than 5,000 words. They should be double-spaced typed in A4 paper size. Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible. The authors' name(s), position, highest qualification, place of work and address, e-mail address and telephone number(s) should be provided. Diagrams should be drawn in India ink on smooth white paper or board and in such proportions that they can be reduced to a page measuring   7'2 x 4'2 or half that size. References, which should be according to APA style, should be provided at the end of each article submitted for publication. For example:


  • Books: Abdullahi, H. (date of publication), book title, place of publication, publisher and page(s)
  • Journal: John, M. (date of publication), article title, volume (issue) page(s).
  • Magazine: Fatima, G (date of publication) article title, magazine title, volume(issue), page(s).
  • Website: Uchenna, O. (date of publication, web page title, date retrieved from home page and URL.
  • Newspaper: Gambari, N.(year, month and day of publication), article title, Newspaper title, and page(s).

However, it should be noted that:

  • where the date of publication is not known, 'nd' in parentheses should be used to indicate no date of publication.
  • page numbers of chapters of books and newspapers should be preceded by 'p' (for a page) or 'pp'(for more than one page); whereas those of journals and magazines are written with the page numbers. 
  • in all cases, maintain the required 6 spaces indentions after the first line of the reference citations. 
  • each article must include an abstract of about 100-120 words, and keywords.
  • opinions expressed in the published articles in this journal are those of the author(s)/contributor(s).
  • no part of the published articles must be reprinted in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher.

Category: Library Science

ISSN: 0029-0122

Year of Establishment: 1963

Section: Library and Information Sciences

Publication Year: 2024

No. of Volumes: 56

No. of Issues: 2

No. of Articles: 120

Article Downloads: 36

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