Appraisal of Cargo Dwell Time of Eastern Ports of Nigeria Before and After Concession

For more than seventeen years now since the concession of ports in Nigeria, the level of attainment of the objectives of the concession yet to be ascertained. This study examined the cargo dwell of Eastern ports of Nigeria before and after Port Concession. This study considered a twelve-year period of Pre (1994-2005) and sixteen- year Post (2007-2022) concession era. The study made used of secondary data sourced from Nigerian Port Authority Annual Reports. The data were presented using tables and charts and analysed using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Results of the analysis showed a positive significance difference between cargo dwell time before and after port concession in all the ports under study. It was concluded that port concession has improved cargo dwell time in Eastern ports. The study recommended that Terminal Operators should invest more on cargo handling equipment, improve on documentation and clearing processes to sustain the improvement.

Journal Title: Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport

Category: Logistics and Transportation

ISSN: 2714-2248

Year of Establishment: 2018

Section: Transportation Technology

Volume: 15

Issue: 1

Total Download: 2

Ufia Friday Michael. 2024 Appraisal of Cargo Dwell Time of Eastern Ports of Nigeria Before and After Concession. Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport. 15 (1). 73-91.

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