Students’ Perception on Dublin Business School Discovery Search and Internet Search Engine Tools

Discovery search is a tool that allows user to access the majority of the library’s resource using a single search. In a previous research, it was discovered that all libraries are automated with some form of online catalogue system, subscriptions to electronic journals sites and bibliographic indexes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, students seem to preferred internet resources as the interface is more intuitive to use and yields unlimited information on the subjects. Consequently, this study offers a view, by comparing the Dublin Business School (DBS) discovery search with internet search engines within the context of supported process and expected outcomes within DBS environment. The purpose of this research is to explore DBS students’ perception of the discovery search compared to internet search engine experiences on the information search to support their learning and research. The study offers a general perspective by examining students’ search behaviours within the context of supported processes and expected outcomes in an academic environment. The research is conducted by adopting a mixed method approach: 4 interviews and a survey were conducted in order to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data. The results of both data analyses were compared and contrasted. The key finding of the study discovered students often preferred the use of internet search engine, believing it is more efficient and user friendly than a DBS discovery search tool. In addition, DBS students were very confident and always find information when using the internet search engine. Also, in this study, our findings suggest that, DBS postgraduate students increasingly rely on the DBS discovery search tool while the undergraduate prefer Google scholar to support their work. It is recommended that, information literacy should be mandatory implemented to the instructional curriculum of both library and Gateway courses. It is recommended that DBS teaching librarians need to educate the student s in making the best use of the DBS Discovery.

Journal Title: Nigerian Libraries

Category: Library and Information Science

ISSN: 0029-0122

Year of Establishment: 1963

Section: Library and Information Sciences

Volume: 53

Issue: 1

Total Download: 0

Aisha Ibrahim Mohammed. 2024 Students’ Perception on Dublin Business School Discovery Search and Internet Search Engine Tools. Nigerian Libraries. 53 (1). 82-93.

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