Detection of Impacts of Gas Flaring in the Environment: Application of Landsat Earth Observation Data

The study focused on detection of the impacts of gas flaring at 5gas flaring sites in the Niger Delta using satellites data.6 Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data, and 13 Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data spanned from 17/01/1986 to 08/03/2013 with < 5% cloud contamination was used. The atmospherically corrected reflectance was used for the calculation of Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and classification of land cover (LC) types. The Planck equation was inverted using thermal band calibration constants to derive Land Surface Temperature (LST). The transect plot of the reflectance bands (1-4) and NDVI, and 4 cardinal plot analyses for NDVI and LST were adopted to explore the results. Mean and standard deviation of NDVI obtained for the 5 sites are as follows: Eleme I (1.917× 10-5 , 2.069 × 10-4 ), Eleme II (1.501 × 10-5 , 1.340× 10-4 ), Bonny LNG (2.129 × 10-5 , 8.290 × 10-5 ), Umurolu (5.806× 10-5 , 7.499× 10-5 ) and Onne (2.285× 10⁻6 , 7.952× 10-5 ). The results show that LSTs and NDVIs exhibited opposite spatial distribution patterns at the 5 flaring sites investigated. This suggests that vegetation cover, health, growth, etc., within the area has been negatively affected. Regarding these results, we draw a conclusion that Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ have the capacity for detection of the impacts of gas flaring in the Niger Delta.

Journal Title: Baze University Journal of Entrepreneurship & Interdisciplinary Studies

Category: Surveying and Geo-information

ISSN: 2971-7124

Year of Establishment: 2022

Section: Centre for Foundation & Interdisciplinary Studies, Baze University.

Volume: 2

Issue: 1

Total Download: 0

Morakinyo, Barnabas Ojo. 2024 Detection of Impacts of Gas Flaring in the Environment: Application of Landsat Earth Observation Data. Baze University Journal of Entrepreneurship & Interdisciplinary Studies. 2 (1). 74-89.

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