Loan Accessibility and Promotion of Entrepreneurial Capacity of Cooperative Societies in Federal College of Agriculture, Ebonyi State

The study investigated the influence of loan accessibility on the promotion of cooperative entrepreneurship among members of cooperative societies in Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted with the aid of structured questionnaire to elicit useful information relevant to the research from the sampled 281 respondents. Results from the findings revealed that the major determinants of loans accessibility among members of the cooperative societies in Federal College of Agriculture Ishiagu by cooperative members and activities that promote entrepreneurship had significant influence on the promotion of cooperative entrepreneurship among members of the cooperative societies in the study area. The study concluded that determinants of loan accessibility and activities that promote entrepreneurship had significantly influenced the promotion of cooperative entrepreneurship. Recommendations were made that; the cooperative societies should improve the flexibility of the determinants of members' access to obtain loans from the respective Cooperative societies in order to encourage members to forego borrowing from other financial institutions with stringent lending conditions. Cooperative members should be educated about entrepreneurial programs organized by public and private individuals that foster Cooperative-Entrepreneurial mind sets in individuals, and they should also be encouraged to participate in those activities on a regular basis.

Journal Title: Baze University Journal of Entrepreneurship & Interdisciplinary Studies

Category: Entrepreneurship

ISSN: 2971-7124

Year of Establishment: 2022

Section: Centre for Foundation & Interdisciplinary Studies, Baze University.

Volume: 2

Issue: 1

Total Download: 0

NWACHUKWU, Oforbuike F. Ph.D., IHIABE Sunny A., and IBRAHEEM, Jamiyu A.. 2024 Loan Accessibility and Promotion of Entrepreneurial Capacity of Cooperative Societies in Federal College of Agriculture, Ebonyi State. Baze University Journal of Entrepreneurship & Interdisciplinary Studies. 2 (1). 59-73.

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