Information needs and information seeking behaviours of artisans in Umuahia metropolis

The purpose of this study was look at the information needs and information seeking behavior of artisans in Umuahia metropolis. Five distinct aims and five research questions led the study. The literature related to the study was used for the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design, the population of the study was 140 artisans. The sample size of the study was 80 obtained using simple random sampling techniques. Questionnaire self-designed by the researcher was used for data collection. The method of data collection was through the administration of 80 copies of questionnaire to the respondents using direct delivery and retrieval method and the entire copies were retrieved filled and used for data analyses. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The obstacles facing the information needs of artisans include language barriers, illiteracy lack of exposure to relevant information sources among others. Strategies that could help ameliorate the identified obstacles include that artisans should be sensitized on the existence of instant agencies available to them, and financial support from the government, among others. It was recommended that: Information professionals such as Radio stations, television stations and public librarians should be proactive by organizing workshops for people who are engaged in small-scale industrial activities (artisans) in Umuahia metropolis to provide them with information needed is promote their businesses.

Journal Title: Information Managers: A Journal of Nigerian Library Association Rivers State Chapter

Category: Library and Information Science

ISSN: 2735-9239

Year of Establishment: 2011

Section: Library and Information Science

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Total Download: 0

Ogbuagu, O. P., Onyekweodiri, N. E., & Obeten, Y. E.. 2024 Information needs and information seeking behaviours of artisans in Umuahia metropolis. Information Managers: A Journal of Nigerian Library Association Rivers State Chapter . 6 (1). 47.

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