Library automation in 21st century: Challenges and prospects

This paper focused on Library automation; which refers to the application and utilization of computers and other associated peripherals in the performance of one, some or all library operations and services. It highlights some of the common elements of a good automation project as well as its benefits in the library. It described in details the various challenges which are directly or indirectly affecting library automation project in modern libraries, including, lack of proper planning, Inadequate funding/economical resources, lack of resources and technology, lack of skilled or trained professionals and other related issues discussed. For proper implementation of library automation project, paper points out some remedies to include amongst others: proper planning for library automation project, capacity building and provision of 17-based LIS education, good feasibility study on both software and hardware resources, and good management support and participation. When all these are properly considered, only then will libraries provide effective and efficient information and also maintain their edge as leading libraries in the 21st Century.

Journal Title: Information Managers: A Journal of Nigerian Library Association Rivers State Chapter

Category: Library and Information Science

ISSN: 2735-9239

Year of Establishment: 2011

Section: Library and Information Science

Volume: 2

Issue: 1

Total Download: 0

Dagogo, A. L., & Akpelu, E. B.. 2024 Library automation in 21st century: Challenges and prospects. Information Managers: A Journal of Nigerian Library Association Rivers State Chapter . 2 (1). 38.

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