Rail Passenger Satisfaction Factors: The Mediating Effect of Word-of-Mouth

This article provides empirical evidence of the circumstances in which the relationship between passenger satisfaction and word-of-mouth regarding rail service gets stronger or weaker. A study on the variables affecting rail passengers' satisfaction with word-of-mouth as an aspect of the model has progressed to a point that demands further analysis. A limited study shows that moderators' effects on factors affecting either passengers or travel, as well as word-of-mouth in the context of rail services, have not been fully assessed. The authors evaluate the mediating effect of WOM variables on rail passengers using variables from the modified RAILQAUL model and a sample size of 321 passengers. This study employed structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings show that there is little published about the influence of WOM on passengers' plans to engage in positive WOM in rail sector settings. It also demonstrates that if rail passengers feel confident in the service, they will be more inclined to share their opinions with friends and acquaintances about how well the service is run and their experiences using it. As a result, WOM and PS are crucial parts of helping passengers create demand for RS based on word-of-mouth reviews while also increasing information and SQ as a result. Retaining this information from the passengers is crucial, and at the same time, the information provided must be improved to account for any negative features.
Keywords: Passenger, Public, Rail, Service Quality, Transportation, Word of Mouth

Journal Title: Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport

Category: Transportation

ISSN: 2714-2248

Year of Establishment: 2018

Section: Transportation Technology

Volume: 15

Issue: 2

Total Download: 5

Giwa Olayiwola Mojeed, Seyed Mohammadreza Ghadiri & Joshua Remi Aworemi. 2024 Rail Passenger Satisfaction Factors: The Mediating Effect of Word-of-Mouth. Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport. 15 (2). 229 – 241. https://doi.org/10.61955/CFUHBZ

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