
It gives me a great pleasure to present volume 57, number 2, July - December, 2023 edition of this popular journal of our Association. This edition coincides with the 62nd National Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Association, scheduled to hold at the University of Port Harcourt from 8th - 11th July, 2003. Altogether, the current edition contains nine quality articles relating to Nigerian university libraries, health and agricultural information, school library, public library, digitization and preservation, and patterns of information delivery in the current digital age.

The first article by   Evans Otuza and Felicia O. Umahi focus on the influence of work environment on perception of librarians of cataloguing and classification with special reference to university libraries in Ogun State. The next article is a qualitative study jointly conducted by Romoke O.Quadir, Maryam Y. Bello and Abdulmuta'ala O. Abdulkadir; and it deals with the issue of access to health, environment and agricultural information among rural women in Ilai, Kogi State. The importance of media resources to research development cannot be over emphasised. That is why Whong F. Mbowheing's study examines the relationship between media resources utilization and postgraduate students' research output in Nigerian federal universities.

Journal Title: Nigerian Libraries

Category: Library Science

ISSN: 0029-0122

Year of Establishment: 1963

Section: Library and Information Sciences

Volume: 56

Issue: 2

Total Download: 0

Ahmad A. Balarabe. 2024 Editorial. Nigerian Libraries. 56 (2). i. https://doi.org/10.61955/YVHVGI

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