Bibliometric Analysis of Journal of Humanities and Education: A Publication of the Faculty of Education and Humanities, Federal University Gusau from 2016-2019

Introduction: Researchers, particularly librarians have over the years been using various forms of metric studies to measure journals performance, quantity wise; hence this study used bibliometric analysis as one of the metric studies to ascertain the characteristics and contributions of the Journal of Humanities and Education to scholarly communication. The journal is the official publication of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, Federal University Gusau (FUGUS), Zamfara State, Nigeria.


Methodology: The study adopted the bibliometric analysis method, where observation and physical counting were used to examine the bibliographic characteristics and development of volumes/issues of the journal available in the FUGUS Library. The study covered the period from June 2016 to December 2019, and it examined the following bibliometric characteristics: (i) number of articles published per volume, (ii) authorship collaboration (iii) authorship institutional affiliation (iv) internal authorship pattern (i.e. Departments in the University); (v) most cited source of information, which was divided into six for convenience sake, namely; books (including chapter contributions), journals, proceedings (seminars, conferences, workshops, symposiums and technical/scientific reports), thesis/dissertations/projects, Internet resources, and others (reference, holy books, government publications, bulletins, newsletters, guides, newspapers, magazines, maps/atlases, unidentifiable sources, etc). 


Findings: The study reveals that the Journal is inconsistent in the number of issues published per year from 2016-2019 and that books were the most cited/referenced sources of information used. 


Recommendations: Urgent efforts should be made by universities to ensure their journals are hosted on their websites to enhance the visibility of both the Journal and the contributing authors.

Journal Title: Nigerian Libraries

Category: Library and Information Science

ISSN: 0029-0122

Year of Establishment: 1963

Section: Library and Information Sciences

Volume: 56

Issue: 1

Total Download: 0

Charles Nwabueze Chukwuji & Aliyu Gadanga Tsafe. 2024 Bibliometric Analysis of Journal of Humanities and Education: A Publication of the Faculty of Education and Humanities, Federal University Gusau from 2016-2019. Nigerian Libraries. 56 (1). 1-13.

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