Investigating the Information Needs of Nigerian Youths in Zamfara State for National Development

Youths need various kinds of information. They are vibrant and full of ideas but need to be sincerely and properly motivated as well as sufficiently guided to better their lives and by implication national development. The study investigated the information needs of Nigerian youths in Zamfara State towards contributing to national development. The descriptive survey design was used with a questionnaire as the instrument of data collection. The population of the study consisted of youths in Zamfara State, Nigeria from fourteen local government areas. A purposive sampling technique was used to select three accessible Local Government Areas. The Krejcie and Morgan table for Determining Sample Size was used to select respondents (youths). The National Youth Policy 2019-2023 youth definition of 15-29 years was the framework used to determine the target respondents. A total of 1,144 questionnaires were administered using 8 trained Research Assistants. Out of the returned questionnaires, 1,122 were found usable, giving a total of 98%. The data collected was analyzed using Frequencies, Percentages, Mean and Standard Deviation (STD) and presented in tables. Mean score of 4.0 was accepted as being significant while below 4.0 was rejected. SPSS (version 20) was used for all computations. The study revealed that education information is the major information need of the Nigerian youths in Zamfara State. It is therefore concluded that information and knowledge are two important ingredients in preparing and empowering the youths for meaningful participation in national development.

Journal Title: Nigerian Libraries

Category: Library and Information Science

ISSN: 0029-0122

Year of Establishment: 1963

Section: Library and Information Sciences

Volume: 55

Issue: 2

Total Download: 0

Gadanga Aliyu Tsafe, Chukwuji Charles Nwabueze, & Bello Jamilu. 2024 Investigating the Information Needs of Nigerian Youths in Zamfara State for National Development. Nigerian Libraries. 55 (2). 60-76.

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