Implementation of Hardware, Software and Workstation Information Security Measures in Federal University Libraries of Nigeria

The study investigated the implementation of hardware, software and workstation information security measures in federal university libraries of Nigeria. Descriptive survey was adopted as the research design. Four hundred and sixteen (416) librarians were randomly sampled across federal university libraries in Nigeria to represent the population of this study. Questionnaire was used as the instrument for  data collection and bench mark for analysis is determined as positive when the mean is 2.50 and above while a mean of less than 2.50 is regarded as negative. The study revealed  the use of security cables to improve the safety of hardware devices, the use of CCTV in public IT areas and server areas as physical security measures implemented in university libraries. The findings  also revealed that use of timer software, cleaning software, web filtering software, library system, and  menu replacement software represent the software security measures implemented in university libraries. The study recommended among others  implementation of locks and remote mirroring to backup all files in the system, proper implementation of user entrance lock to record and monitor user’s security programmes and desktop security programmes. 

Journal Title: Nigerian Libraries

Category: Information Management Technology

ISSN: 0029-0122

Year of Establishment: 1963

Section: Library and Information Sciences

Volume: 54

Issue: 1

Total Download: 0

Yusuf Ahmed, Sanusi L. Saadatu, Joy Emmanuel Omah, & Suleiman Habiba. 2024 Implementation of Hardware, Software and Workstation Information Security Measures in Federal University Libraries of Nigeria. Nigerian Libraries. 54 (1). 61-68.

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