Availability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tools and Skills for their Use in Operation in Medical Libraries in Nigeria

Background- ICT availability, use in library operations and the required skills with which to use them in medical libraries are the core drivers of service delivery in modern medical librarianship. 

Objective – To assess the extent of ICT availability in medical libraries, the ICT skills of medical librarians and the use of ICT for library operations in medical libraries in Nigeria. 

Methods – A descriptive research design was adopted. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire administered to a population consisting of 379 medical librarians, 246 were retrieved and found usable questionnaires

Results – Findings revealed the availability of most ICT tools to a moderate extent. Mobile phones, Internet connectivity, computers, OPAC, printers, E-mail are the tools that were mostly available. The medical librarians studied have high level of ICT skills in areas such as social networking, Internet use, search engine use, search for e-resources, use of email, Web based forum and database use skills, however, the study revealed a low level of use of ICT tools to carry out medical library operations. Lack of and inadequate funding, erratic power supply, erratic Internet access, lack of trainer/training for ICT application and insufficient technical support for maintenance of ICT tools are the major hindrances to the use of ICT tools for library operations in Nigeria.

Conclusions – The use of ICT for library operations in medical libraries in Nigeria is low. Medical librarians have high ICT skills, however challenges to be surmounted in using ICT tools for library operations.

Journal Title: Nigerian Libraries

Category: Information Management Technology

ISSN: 0029-0122

Year of Establishment: 1963

Section: Library and Information Sciences

Volume: 53

Issue: 2

Total Download: 0

Violet E. Ikolo. 2024 Availability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tools and Skills for their Use in Operation in Medical Libraries in Nigeria. Nigerian Libraries. 53 (2). 44-55. https://doi.org/10.61955/EIOXBK

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