Travel Time Estimation of Sharada Road in Kano

The study was aimed at estimating travel time along Sharada Road in Kano State Nigeria for traffic management purposes. Traffic data was collected with an automatic traffic counter installed on the road at the selected locations. Based on the collected data, the traffic was evaluated for Weekdays, Weekends, Peak and Off-peak traffic, and the traffic streams were classified into four categories, namely motorcycle, passenger cars, light goods vehicles (LGVs) and heavy goods vehicles (HGVs). The total traffic observed for the selected sites was estimated to be 320,910 vehicles according to daylight condition. Cars dominated the traffic stream with a share of 75.71%, motorcycle 10.93%, LGV 8.07% and HGV 5.29%. The ADT for the considered road sections is 11,461 vehicles per day. Traffic volume in veh/hr. were converted to flowrate in PCE/hr. using the static PCE value from the Nigerian highway design manual of Motorcycles = 0.75, Passenger Car = 1.0, LGVs = 3.0, HGV = 1.75. The state of traffic for the facility at the selected sites was aggregated to be as follows: speed 40 km/hr, flow 1,087 pce/hr and density 29 pce/km, while the aggregated state of traffic at capacity is 3162pce/hr, Critical density 151pce/km, Optimum speed 37.32km/hr, Free-flow speed 62.66km/hr and Jam density 406pce/km. The index of congestion for the road was established with a = 0.15 and b = 9. The average travel time for the study road was estimated as 7.8 minutes during off-peak hours, 8.5 minutes during peak hours, 8.1 minutes during weekday hours and 8.2 minutes during weekend hours across the days of the week. There were no major traffic disturbances on the study road to alter the travel times.

Journal Title: Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport

Category: Transportation

ISSN: 2714-2248

Year of Establishment: 2018

Section: Transportation Technology

Volume: 15

Issue: 2

Total Download: 1

Mujahid Tijjani Tashi, Hashim Muhammad Alhassan, & Muhammad Aminu Jika. 2024 Travel Time Estimation of Sharada Road in Kano. Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport. 15 (2). 139-154.

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