Transit Oriented Development (TOD) as an Urban Design Concept for Enhanced Mobility and Tourism in Lagos, Nigeria

One of the key factors in creating a resilient and intelligent urban environment is improved mobility for visitors, city inhabitants, the urban poor, and vulnerable groups. Mobility infrastructure and integrated transportation networks unite people, activities, buildings, and public space to create integrated urban place designs that are socially inclusive. The absence of efficient Transit Oriented Design (TOD) in Lagos' metropolitan area has left open areas and corridors vulnerable to criminal activity and occasionally utilized as disposal sites. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the existing TOD as a tool for urban planning that promotes increased tourism and mobility. Surulere was chosen for this research because of its advantageous position in the center of the city, as well as the notable natural features and public amenities that are common there. The study used a mix of both quantitative and qualitative investigation approaches, gathering data via the distribution of questionnaires, interviews with district residents (a total of 452 respondents), and the digitization and updating of high-resolution maps of the Surulere using Google Earth 2023 after the site visit. The field survey's analysis and result presentation show that 265 uncategorized respondents, or 58.2% of the sample, utilize the average commuter roads, which comprise the bulk of the mass transit network. The analysis finds that the state has natural rivers for ferry services in addition to a federal rail network that will be supplemented by the growing state rail network. The city's urban modifications have undergone a substantial and quick transformation. A framework of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with substantial investments in aerial tramways is necessary for the growth of metro[1]tourism, given the interconnectedness of several commercial areas that necessitate high-capacity and alternative public transit networks.

Journal Title: Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport

Category: Transportation

ISSN: 2714-2248

Year of Establishment: 2018

Section: Transportation Technology

Volume: 15

Issue: 2

Total Download: 0

Paul Onyebuchi Obi, Nnezi Uduma-Olugu, John Adesina, and Oginni Adeyemi. 2024 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) as an Urban Design Concept for Enhanced Mobility and Tourism in Lagos, Nigeria . Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport. 15 (2). 19-40.

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