An Assessment of the Significance of Commercial Motor-Cycle to the Economy of Kaduna State: a Case Study of Zango Kataf L.G.A.

This study focuses on the significant role of motorcycles in contributing to the economy of Kaduna State, specifically in Zango Kataf Local Government Area (L.G.A). The research utilizes a case study approach, collecting data through surveys and interviews from residents, motorcycle operators, business owners, and local authorities. The findings reveal that motorcycles have a vital impact on the local economy, stimulating economic activities, providing access to markets, and creating employment opportunities for various stakeholders. The study also examines government policies on motorcycle operations and public awareness of these regulations. Challenges related to motorcycle operations, such as safety and traffic management, are identified. The study proposes recommendations to address these challenges while maximizing the economic benefits of motorcycles, including infrastructure development, safety measures, stakeholder engagement, and public awareness campaigns. Overall, the research enhances the understanding of motorcycles' economic significance in Zango Kataf L.G.A. and Kaduna State, offering valuable insights for policymakers, transportation planners, and community stakeholders to develop sustainable strategies that harness motorcycles' potential while ensuring safety and prosperity for the region.

Journal Title: Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport

Category: Transportation

ISSN: 2714-2248

Year of Establishment: 2018

Section: Transportation Technology

Volume: 15

Issue: 2

Total Download: 8

Kambai Harrison Bobai , Isah Eromi Ibrahim, Luka Shagbo & Aisha Bashir Bala. 2024 An Assessment of the Significance of Commercial Motor-Cycle to the Economy of Kaduna State: a Case Study of Zango Kataf L.G.A.. Nigerian Journal of Logistics and Transport. 15 (2). 155-165.

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